High quality used copiers
RSL Copiers provide high quality used copiers prepared by our fully trained technicians.
Dedicated transport team
With a dedicated transport team to ensure a speedy response to all deliveries and collections we
run our own fleet of vehicles within the UK. Once we have agreed a deal to purchase your used
copiers or to sell you a copier to meet your requirements, we will despatch one of our dedicated
vans with a driver (and additional staff as required) to your location to complete the transaction in a
timely manner.
Expert packaging for exports across the world
RSL provide expert packaging for your export needs. The fast and efficient loading of containers
includes using all available space, in a safe and secure manner, ensuring that your copiers arrive in
good condition. Exporting across the world including shipments to Europe, Pakistan, China,
Egypt, Sri Lanka and more. RSL Copiers are committed to meeting all of your export requirements.
(A containter being loaded, with a double floor installed to optimise container cost and to ensure safe arrival.)